
The purpose of this website is to be a source of information concerning the civil engineering infrastructure on which society depends. Civil Engineering Photos aims to provide quality photographs and informative descriptions of the world people live in and are dependent.

Aiming to be a resource of quality, trustful information, Civil Engineering Photos encourages visitors to comment on the photographs and their descriptions to expand on the explanations provided.

All photographs are free to be used without copyright permission in presentations, papers, or for personal use in not for profit applications, however, these photos are copyrighted. Please fully cite Civil Engineering Photos for this type of use. For all published photographs, or those that are being used to make money in anyway, written permission for use is required.

Civil Engineering Photos is updated regularly with a new photograph and description. A best effort from the contributors will be done to update Civil Engineering Photos as much as possible.

All inquires to CEE Photos can be directed to CEEPhotos *at* karcor *dot* com